Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Alright, so my dad went to China day before yesterday afternoon, leaving me and my mom home alone.  Of course I didn't know he left until i tried to contact him on the cellphone.  Shows how well-informed he keeps me.  Anyways, my mom always sleeps early because if she stays up too late, she gets the chills and feels sickish (and trust me when I say early, I mean like 9pm). So my dad gets home,  RINGS the doorbell and our doorbell is really loud and then opens the door with his keys, so the moment he steps into the house I'm like "What the hell, Mom's sleeping, why didn't you use JUST your keys instead of ringing the doorbell and announcing your own damn entrance?"  So now my mom is awake and I'm pretty much just being called every 10 minutes to get her a cup of tea, or a hot water bottle, I mean it's not that I mind it, but she was sleeping really well and THANKS to my dad, she's not.
So anyways, I've been talking to one of girl friends in Germany, missing her like crazy, trying to convince her to come back to Hong Kong and stay.  Just the usual girl talk, mostly me making the worst typos or cracking up at my own joke, yes yes, I lead a very sad life :B
So it's about 12:05am now, and I think my mom finally fell back asleep, unless my dad does something stupid again to wake her up. Trying not to procrastinate and work on my 2000 word essay on constructivism. Help plox?

M x


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