Crowded places, and sweaty asians
Now, there's always something there that irks everyone. An irk is let's a pet peeve? Sometimes it's people who irk other people, sometimes it's animals, or it could be something completely different all together. As for me, my major irk sometimes are crowded places. Like clubs or bars, or shops at the shopping mall. It makes you wonder what kind of person in good conscience would willing put themselves smack-dab in the middle of a crowd of people. Especially when it's humid, my god, I feel like i can barely breathe occasionally.
Now, as hypocritical as it sounds, when you're having fun, say a club, the crowd really doesn't bug you. But when you're not and kind of just standing there talking with some friends, it could begin to pick at you. Example, Earlier tonight I was at SOUL (a club in SG), and I swear, when I got home and got in the shower, i scrapped an inch of sweat off my arms, and worst thing is that i don't think it was all my own O_O;;
When people are crowded in a small area, when it's humid, and when they're dancing their pants off, people don't realize too often that for the amount of people walking by you after dancing, their sweat just rubs off on you. It's preeeeeeeetty gross when you really think about it. But all in all, tonight wasn't too bad. I sought refuge in the smoking chamber and M walked in and we had a really good laugh and talk about random things and then he walked me out and I got home in one piece. and maybe pieces of other people considering the sweat was a rather large amount to be mine as I wasn't dancing and sitting or standing around the whole time. But now I'm as clean as a whistle and basking in the comfort of my air-conditioned room. Shower pl0x?
M x